Does Eating Cashew Causes You to Gain Weight?

#Cashew is a nutritional powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, health-promoting fats and dietary fiber. Like other nuts, Cashews are high in calories. Many people avoid eating cashews in fear of gaining weight.

 Does Eating Cashew really Cause You to Gain Weight?

Usually High-calorie diet leads to weight gain and obesity. Nuts are exceptional, you can enjoy eating 2 to 4 cashews everyday.

Cashews rich in unsaturated fats are heart healthy good fats which actually helps to enhance weight loss. But, many people avoid eating this delicious nutritional snack with a misconception that cashews are rich in fats that are fattening and "detrimental to health".

All fats are not bad for health. Trans fats and saturated fats are bad for health. Because, it raises your cholesterol level, results in weight gain and also increase your risk for heart disease.

Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats are good for health. Cashews are rich in monounsaturated fats. They actually helps you to lower your cholesterol level and prevent weight gain. Cashews are loaded with healthy fats, protein and fiber. It keeps your stomach filling for long hours and helps curb overeating which eventually results in weight reduction.

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Are roasted cashews healthy?

Yes, roasted cashews are good for health. It is recommended to use dry roasted cashews without oil and salt.

Though cashews are high in fat content, they won't contribute to significant weight gain if used in moderation. 

 High triglyceride levels are usually found in #diabetes, #heart disease and  #obese patients. Triglyceride is a fat in blood. By taking a blood test, triglyceride level is measured. If it is high, it indicates your health is at risk. Cashews contain healthy fats called monounsaturated fats. If you consume cashews moderately, it helps you to lower your triglyceride level and reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases, weight gain and diabetes.

Cashews are rich in copper. It is an essential mineral for the proper growth and health of your body. Copper can reduce your elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase your reduced HDL (good) cholesterol and aids in healthy weight management.

People who eat cashews and other nuts are less likely to gain weight than those who don't eat nuts. So, happily start munching cashews which are rich in copper, magnesium, Vitamin K, healthy fats and zinc for proper sleep patterns, strong bones and for healthy liver, brain and overall body.

Eating cashews everyday in moderation provides a natural solution to annoying grey hair. Cashews,  being rich in copper helps to prevent premature grey hair and keeps you healthy and younger.
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