Why You Should Eat Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are high in selenium, healthy fats, vitamin E, protein and fiber.

Remedy for Sleep Problems: Our sleep is associated with a hormone called melatonin. Intake of certain minerals like selenium, potassium and calcium boost the production of melatonin and contributes to healthy sleep pattern. Brazil nuts are high in selenium and potassium. A glass of milk is enough to get required calcium. As a bedtime snack, eat a Brazil nut along with a glass of milk for good quality sleep.

Boost Your Immunity: Brazil nuts are the best source of selenium. It is an essential mineral which work as an antioxidant when combined with vitamin E. Brazil nuts are packed with both selenium and Vitamin E and so it can be called as a super nut to fight against free radicals which damages cell membranes and DNA, prevents premature aging, boost immunity system and protects from cold and other viral infections, proper functioning of thyroid gland, reduce the risk of  prostrate and secondary cancers, promotes heart health. Brazil nuts also contain other minerals like iron, zinc and copper which are vital for the healthy immune system.

Healthy Hair, Eyes and Skin: Brazil nuts are an abundant source of selenium and vitamin E. The antioxidant selenium helps the body to absorb Vitamin E which are vital for healthy hair, eyes and skin. It aids to prevent macular degeneration, cataract and skin problems.

Fertility: Brazil nut is a fabulous nut which contains vital nutrients like copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and selenium for bone and teeth health, healthy nervous system, protects against high blood pressure, congenital defects and provides many benefits for healthy development of baby. The high selenium content helps to keep the sperm healthy and protects against free radical damage.

Depression: Brazil nuts can ease the depression. This selenium rich nut helps to boost the mood and aids to reduce fatigue, anxiety and stress.


Tips: Remember too much eating of anything is harmful to health. Brazil nuts contain selenium and too much selenium diet is not good for health. 

Reduce Inflammation: Brazil nuts contains large amount of unsaturated fats which is associated with many health benefits like decreasing the risk of heart disease, cancer and  reduce the inflammation and helps to heal quickly.

Thyroid Health: Selenium is an essential mineral for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Brazil nuts are the good source to add selenium naturally in your diet. In case of hypothyroid, adding Brazil nuts which are rich in selenium helps to improve your thyroid health.

Heart Health: Brazil nuts contain unsaturated fats and omega 6 fatty acids which lowers LDL, raises the HDL cholesterol and aids to promote  heart health.

Constipation: Like other nuts, Brazil nuts has high amount of dietary fiber which gives energy, reduce cholesterol, keeps stomach fulling and also act as laxative and aids to prevent constipation.

Blood Pressure: All nuts including Brazil nuts are naturally low in sodium and so consumption of Brazil nuts assist to maintain a healthy blood pressure.

Diabetes: Brazil nuts are good for type 2 diabetes. The monounsaturated fats in Brazil nuts helps to enhance insulin sensitivity and reduce blood glucose level.

Tips: All nuts contains many vital nutrients essential for our body. To avoid over dosage and negative impacts, daily eat a handful of assorted nuts( walnuts, cashew, pistachio, hazel nuts) for optimum health.

Where you can buy Brazil Nuts in India? 

In India, in major cities you can buy Brazil nuts and other nuts from Spencer, Nuts and Spices retail stores.

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