Why Pine Nuts are Good for You?

Pine nuts are the nutritious seeds of pine trees. These nutritious-dense seeds contain healthy monounsaturated fats and antioxidants like nuts. They are rich in protein, iron, manganese and magnesium.

Why Pine Nuts are Good for You?

#Boost Energy: Incorporate Pine nuts in your daily diet, to boost your energy levels. The healthy fats, iron and protein in Pine nuts provide you more energy and keeps you active for long hours.

#Weight Loss: Pine nuts are rich in fiber. It is a good snack to silent your growling stomach. Fiber rich foods digest slowly and keeps stomach fuller for long time. The pinolenic acid, an appetite suppressing hormone in Pine nuts aids to reduce the food intake and assist in weigh reduction.

#Reduced Risk of Heart Disease: The Pinolenic acid and healthy fats in Pine nuts helps to reduce LDL cholesterol and aids to maintain healthy cholesterol level for good heart health.

#Pine nuts are anti-aging amazing seeds to slow down the aging process and to rejuvenate your body.

Pine nuts contain plenty of antioxidants like Vitamin A, B, C, D and E. The high antioxidant content in Pine nuts protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. Pine nuts contain copper which helps to prevent premature aging.

#Healthy Vision: The lutein content in Pine nuts helps to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts.

#Prevents Anemia: Eating a handful of Pine nuts daily helps to prevent anemia and fatigue. Being rich in iron, aids in proper functioning of circulatory and nervous system.


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